Fent L'Onso
Credits: "Fent L’Onso" is an original idea by Gabriel Pastor Hernández (En Biel Seia) 3D Modeling and Animations: Gabriel Pastor Hernández (En Biel Seia) Video Montage and Editing: Gabriel Pastor Hernández and Christian el Asmar Proposal Preview: Gabriel Pastor Hernández and Christian el Asmar
The city of Campos has a unique and distinctive identity, rooted in its history, culture, and landscape. Campos has a rich cultural tradition, reflected in its local festivities and celebrations.
Within the framework of local festivities, the "Nit de l’Art" has been celebrated since 2012. This art festival aims to offer, for one night, an alternative exhibition model to the conventional one, thereby turning observation into interaction and inviting visitors to reflect through artistic contemplation.
This report proposes the project named "Fent l’Onso" for its execution at the Nit de l'Art of Campos 2024.
Campo's Townhall,  witness to the city's history and daily life, becomes the epicenter of a visual and spirited experience, inviting everyone to join the celebration of the Nit de l'Art. The facade of its tower (also known as Can Cos) transforms into a rugged canvas where a high-definition projection invites us to the celebration of the Nit de l'Art through dance.
The proposal “Fent l’Onso” arises from the need to create a visual experience that celebrates the cultural and folkloric identity of Campos. The city's coat of arms features a standing or “rampant” brown bear facing left. A lilac border frames the composition, and the background color is gray or silver. In this installation, the bear from the Campos coat of arms comes to life and starts dancing, inviting all visitors to join the Nit de l'Art festivities. The projection modernizes the city’s heraldic symbol, simultaneously introducing it to many visitors who might not be familiar with it, even those who live in the locality.
The animation will begin with a static image of the bear, which will suddenly come to life and start moving. The bear figure will be animated with different dance styles (hip hop, swing, samba...) and between the dance moments, there will be transitions (greeting the audience, feeling embarrassed, resting...) to ensure the video is long enough and that the viewer does not quickly get bored with the animation.
Additionally, it ensures that each visitor passing in front of the town hall has a different perception of the installation. The lighthearted theme of the animation allows both adults and children to enjoy it, making the Nit de l'Art a family-friendly experience.
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